The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse - A reflection on the book in the context of Leadership

The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse is a book by Charlie Mackesy.

In this video, Matthew reflects on the book in the context of leadership. He realised that not only was it full of beautiful pen and ink drawings, conversations and comments but that they were particularly useful to people working in senior roles in organisations.

Having used book in some recent work for a client in the USA, Matthew shares in detail why he thinks this book speaks to the human condition and specifically leadership.

Find out more about Charlie Mackesy:

Richard Hunter

I am the founder of SocialSidekick and the Marketing Manager at Coventry Building Society Arena.

I have worked in digital marketing and web design since 2006. My specialisms include social media marketing, eCommerce and advertising.

You can contact me via this website.

Adaptive Leadership: The Dance Floor & The Balcony


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