Let’s Talk Leadership:
A discussion about leadership, to support the next generation of leaders.

Leadership does not necessarily start at the top or at a senior leadership development programme. It does not only apply to leaders of organisations. It starts small with you, the choices you make and the impact you have on others. Whether you work alone or in a team, who you are is how you lead. Our clips and events help you to discover what type of person you are, what type of leader you may be or may become.

Leadership is not about being tough, although sometimes you need to be. It is about the power of vulnerability and the strength of kindness. It is not about being better than everyone else, it is about creating the conditions for partnership and shared success. Our clips and events give you tips on how to lead with firm compassion.

Leadership is not about perfection. It is about knowing what you don’t know. About standing up after falling over and learning something from the experience. Our clips, events and individual coaching will give you tips on how to develop resilience.

Leadership is not about banging your own drum, but about creating something that you could not have done alone. It is seeing, respecting and leveraging differences to find quality through diversity. Our clips and events help to create understanding of what it means to lead in an inclusive way.

Leadership is not just another nice-to-have. We share one crowded, complex planet. Unless we build understanding beyond our own horizon, our children and grandchildren will face potentially catastrophic living conditions. Our clips and events forge connections with like-minded people across locations, generations & industries, united by the same drive: create better leadership, worldwide.

Let’s Talk Leadership is an ongoing conversation. It’s brought to you by people who are passionate about leadership.
The following pages illustrate why we decided, as three friends and colleagues in the field of leadership development, to create this platform. It is a work in progress and we love feedback.
We encourage people who have interesting things to say about leadership to join us in conversation on LinkedIn Live & Youtube. We also post information clips on a range of leadership topics.
Past Episodes: